
Corporate Secretarial Services

Corporate Secretarial Services

The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) requires that every company appoint a qualified company secretary within 6 months from the date of its incorporation. Failure to appoint a qualified company secretary within 6 months from the date of its incorporation is an offence and you might be subjected to penalties or prosecution according to the Companies Act. To help companies achieve compliance, Reliance B.M.S Pte Ltd is able to provide an experienced company secretary.

Comprehensive services rendered by us in this role include:-

• Provision of a professional qualified person as company secretary
• Convene and attend board of Directors’ and Shareholders meeting
• Prepare minutes and resolutions of Directors and Shareholders
• Annual compliance work which include the following:-
o Prepare notice, agenda and minutes for Annual General Meeting
o Prepare and filing of necessary forms with ACRA
o Custody and maintenance of Statutory Registers and Minute Book
o Send Reminders on the filing deadline
• Striking off of name from ACRA
• Volunteer Liquidation of company

Contact us today or call us at +6598571121 for immediate assistance.

Company Strike Off Services

Company Strike Off Services

In Singapore, persuant to Section 344 of the Companies Act, a company can apply to ACRA to strike off from the Register. However, closing down a company can be a tedious task if not handled with the right understanding of the local regulation.
As part of our service, we help with:
• Understanding your company’s current financial situation, assets and liabilities
• Assist with the application for striking off (de-registration) of the company
• Assist you with the tax clearance with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)

Contact us today or call us at +6598571121 for immediate assistance.